Friday, August 03, 2012

Olympia, 476 BC

It is best never to be born...
--- Bacchylides, Ode

Bacchylides, Nightingale of Ceos, congratulated his patron, tyrant of Syracuse, Hieron on his victory of the chariot race offering an ode at Olympia, 476 BC. This part (Ode V, 160) is one of the surviving fragments of his poetry:
For mortals it is best never to be born, never to look on the light of the sun. But there is no profit in lamenting this; one must speak of what can be accomplished.

オス島のナイチンゲールことバッキュリデースは紀元前四七六年のオリンピアで戦車競争に勝利したパトロンであるシラクサの僭王ヒエロンに祝勝歌を捧げて祝った。この詩行 (祝勝歌第五番百六十行〜) はバッキュリデースの詩歌の現存する断片のひとつである。

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