Tuesday, March 18, 2014










Saturday, March 15, 2014

You Are What You Eat

The Physiology of Taste is a bible of the gourmet, published in 1825 by Jean Anthelme Brillat=Savarin (1755-1826), who was a French politician in the revolutionary era, known as a gastronome, now. This well-known quotation derives from the book:
Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.

Friday, March 14, 2014



英語では、 preparation arrangement が当てはまるだろう。 prepare は「前もって整える」で、 ラテン語の prae 「前に」と parare 「準備する、整える」を語源にしている。 arrange はラテン語 a(d) ragier 「~に並べる、整える」を語源にしている。

根回しの類義的な表現としてはお膳立てセットアップがある。動詞句の to set up は「始業する、設定する、(はじめる為に) 整える」の意味である。

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Buddhists, Epicurus, Physicists

There are infinite worlds both like and unlike this world of ours.
--- Epicurus, Letter to Herodotus

Some present-day physicists explain that the universe is not one & there exist an infinite numbers of other universes outside our space & time. In their theory of parallel universes, in one world, Elvis Presley is still alive & sing his songs now, & in another world, Marilyn Monroe has become a happy grandmother still alive, now. According to Alan Guth, “Anything can happen wiill happen” in the multiverse. To have created this theory, they may have been inspired by Epicurus (340-270 BC), ancient Greek philosopher, who sent a letter to the historian Herodotus, on which his cosmology was stated. Moreover, apart from whether he knew or not,  Buddhists in the ancient India thought that there existed three thousand or numberless worlds infinitely expanding. Here, we check the writing which Herodotus read:
There are infinite worlds both like and unlike this world of ours.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Prose Ode to Books

Charles William Eliot (1834-1926), the president of Harvard University & education reformer, known as the Nobel laureate poet T. S. Eliot’s cousin, states about books with high praise in his book The Happy Life (1910): 
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. With his daily work and his books many a man, whom the world thought forlorn, has found life worth living.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Live Within Income

Cut your coat according to your cloth.
--- English Saying

Financial engineering, or simply, today’s economics, might suggest that if you make a value more than a debt interest during borrowing money, you should use the loan to realize your plan. In old times, however, people didn’t think so. They didn’t think that they could bear getting into debt, which generated the burden to pay interest. It was the best to live within one’s income.

Sunday, March 09, 2014

Pax Optima Rerum

Pax optima rerum.
--- Latin Saying

Peace is better than anything else. This is the common sense of mankind that has never changed since ancient times. 

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Come Back Full

Go empty, come back full.
--- Arab Saying

There are various kinds of husbands in the world. One always goes out of home with his hands full & comes back empty-handed; & the other always goes out of home empty-handed & comes back with his hands full. In Arab nations, to mean husbands like the former, their wives say: Go empty, come back full.


Proverb Data

Arab Saying
Go empty, come back full.



About "Life is a Joke"

Friday, March 07, 2014

Like Father's Sister, Like Daughter

Take girls from the breasts of their fathers’ sisters.
--- Arab Saying

Like father, like son, say the English people. People in some nations believe that the daughter resembles her mother. However, the Arabs suppose the daughter to resemble her father’s sisters, & the son, his mother’s brothers. This Arabic proverb is advice for a boy who wants to marry someone.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Keep out of Other People's Problem

Do not be present at the measuring of the grain which does not belong to you; you will get your beard dusty, and you will get tired of carrying away the grain.
--- Arab Saying

For example, if your friend thinks to divorce his wife, you should not meddle in their talks. If you get into other people’s problem, you will get involved in their quarrels & tired of resolving it. In Japan, people say, A god who you have not touched, will not curse you.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Gato por liebre

Te dieron gato por liebre. --- When people in the Spanish-speaking nations find a person who has been tricked,  they will say to that person: "They gave you cat for hare."  This proverb reminds me of the Chinese legend that says that there was a tricky butcher in ancient China, who was selling horse meat displaying the head of a calf in order to make people suppose which he was selling beef.

Where Is Firewood?

He went through in the forest and saw no firewood.
--- Russian Saying

The blockhead can’t find any firewood in the forest. They can’t find anything useful, even though there are plenty of them.

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