Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Morning Has Flung the Stone into the Cup

Edward FitzGerald, the devotee of literature in the 19th century, repeated to read Rubayyat (Persian Four-Line Poems) by Omar Khayyam, a wine-loving  astronomer & poet in the Middle Ages, who was in search for the mystery of the universe & the meaning of life. FitzGerald revised his own English translation at least 5 times; the last one was published after his death. Let's read the 1st verse of the 1st edition with his footnote:

Awake ! For Morning in the Bowl of Night
Has flung the Stone that puts the stars to Flight:
And lo ! the Hunter of the East has caught
The Sultan’s Turret in a Noose of Light.

Flinging a stone into the cup was a signal “To Horse!” in the desert.

Sunday, December 21, 2014



Word DNA ~~~~~~~~~
I [Middle English.]
i ) “imaginary creature associated with a serpent.”

There are various species of dragons told in myths, legends, & fictional stories.

In Greek mythology, the dragon was believed to drow the chariot of Cynthia or Artemis, the goddess of moon. 

In the Christianized world, the dragon is identified with the Devil by the influence of the Revelations 12:9; & the Death, Psalm 44:19.

In modern zoology & botany, several species of animals & plants, associated with the dragon, were named after this fabuous monster (e.g. Komodo dragon, flying dragon, dragonetdragon-fish, dragonwort… ) They are simply called the “dragon” on occasion.

Dragon-decorated or dragon-shaped things (dragon parcelain, dragon bracelet, dragon kite, etc.) are also called the “dragon.”

The Chinese commonly associate the dragon with the weather; it is, thus, the symbol of power & good fortune.

ii ) [Middle English, from a dragon flying in the night sky in imagination. Now, obsolete.]
“shooting star.”

iii )  [16th c., the dragon in the night sky drawn with a group of stars by ancient people, which go around the Polaris.]
“constellation which represents the dragon; Draco.”

iv ) [18th c, from the nature of a dragon.]
“wild, violent, fierce, severe, strict, draconian, watchful, or dominant person, especially a woman.”

II. [Middle English. Now, obsolete.]
“really existing serpent.”

III [In the Middle English & 1611 KJV Bible, the word dragon was used to translate the Hebrew words tannīn & tan by the influence of the Septuagint, a Greek-version Bible. Compare Arabic tinnin “(constellation) Draco.”]

i [tannīn “large water animal, huge sea- (or land-) monster” found passim, e.g. in Psalm 91:13 (KJV: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.)]
“serpent, whale, crocodile, monster, etc.”

ii [tan “wild animal” found passim, e.g. in Job 30:29 (KJVI am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.)]
“desert beast, wild animal, jackal, etc.”

IV [From French.] 
i ) [17th c. from a fire-breathing dragon.]

“early firearm; soldier armed with this weapon; dragoon.”

ii ) [19th c., from dragoon “variety of pigeon born from an artificially arranged pair of a horseman & a tumbler.]
“variety of pigeon.”

iii ) [20th c.] 
“powerful armored tractor for bringing up guns.”

V [18th c., loan translation of German Drache.]
“dragon-shaped paper kite.”

V1 [1981, influenced by Chinese, / lóng, shortened form for / 小龍 Xiǎolóng, word-for-word, “small dragon,” meaning an “economically successful country or region around the mainland of China (e.g. Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea… ).
   This sense may have been made up by the influence of the Chinese idiom 龙腾虎跃 Lóngténg hǔyuè, word-for-word, “The Dragon Rises, the Tiger Leaps,” which indicates a “state of being lively.”]
“emerging country or area near the mainland of China; (adjective) economically vigorous, rapidly emerging.”

From French dragon “serpent, dragon,” 
from Latin draco (accusative: dracōnem), 
from Greek δρκων  “serpent, dragon”;
the original sense is assumed to have meant a “creature with sharp or gleaming eyes.”

   δρακ- is thought the strong aorist stem of δέρκεσθαι “to see clearly, look at or on, stare, or gaze at” & cognate with the verb δρακεν “to see.” 

  Some etymologists think that -dra, the suffix found in the word hydra “many-headed water serpent (monster)” derives from a lost source  *drak “glance.” 

PIE ROOT: *derk- “to see”
Middle Irish muir dris  “sea monster”
Welsh draig, nraig
Latin draco
French dragon
Italian drago
Spanish dragón
Portuguese dragão
German Drachen
Dutch draak
Norwegian drage
Swedish dragon
Russian дракон
Esperanto drako

draconian = draconic “having the nature of a dragon; cruel, severe; severe as Draco, Greek lawgiver, or his code of laws.”

dragonet “little or young dragon; fish that lies buried in the sand of the seabed.” [-ette, diminutive]

dragonesque [-esque, suffix that denotes a characteristics.]

dragonnade “(originally) persecution against the Protestants by dragoons in France, which was done by the order of Louis XIV.” [dragon + -ade]


drake [Old English draca, from Latin draco.]

rankle / rancle “festering pain” [Old French rancle “ulcer,” from Latin dranculus / dracunculus “little dragon,” diminutive of draco.]


“dragon-like, cruel, severe” [-ish, suffix that denotes its “nature”]

dragonism “devilish activity; watchful guardianship” 

dragonize “to turn into a dragon or something dragon-like; to watch as a dragon.”

dragon’s blood

「竜、龍、りゅう、たつ、ドラゴン、大蛇、おろち、うわばみ  (の形・性質・特徴をそなえたもの)
A many-headed serpent, dragon. or other monster would destroy the whole people if a human victim, generally a virgin, were not delivered up to him periodically… 

They offered the dragon a daily human sacrifice. The victim of the day was chosen by drawing lots….

Yamata no Orochi is a legendary 8-headed and 8-tailed Japanese dragon that was slain by the Shinto storm-god Susanoo…

How to train your dragon...

The wyvern is a two-legged, winged creature resembling a dragon...

The Egyptian Dragon was the crocodile-god…

Historically, ancient Chinese emperors associated themselves closely with the number nine, which appeared prominently in architecture and royal dress, often in the form of nine fearsome dragons...

He likens himself to a dragon...

At the end of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the credits say, No dragons were harmed in the making of this movie...

He showed her his full-body dragon tattoo...

黙示録十二章九節由来の具体義: 龍、蛇、悪魔、デビル、サタン
The scandalous licentious person is like the Dragon in the Revelations...

現実のものとして龍の形をしているもの、龍を想起させるもの: 時に補足する修飾語を伴って、 りゅう座、龍の凧、重装備兵が携帯している銃、竜騎兵、さまざまな動植物、装飾品、装身具など

And though the Seven Lights bowed in their dance and wept, The Pole Dragon Slept...

 The Komodo dragon has two penises...

A giant dragon lantern was displayed to celebrate the New Year...

The Dragon Tree is found at de los Vinos in Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, and is said to be between 650 and 1,500 years old...

(中国語の影響で) :(中国の近くの) アジアの新興国、アジアで経済発展がめざましい (国・地域)
Japan is not alone in the rise of economic dominance. There are eleven dragon nations, including Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia, and others…

ドラコン (古代ギリシャの固有名詞・人名)

Greek = Ancient Greek = 古典ギリシャ語
*= reconstructed form = 再建形
~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子

 ドラゴン (dragon) はギリシャ語のドラコンから来た。ギリシャ神話のドラコンは、時に「りゅう」と訳され、時に「だいじゃ、おろち」と訳される。

 蛇は、同じ印欧族でも、ゲルマン方面では「はうもの」、イタリア半島では別の異音類義語根からなる言葉で、やはり「はうもの」であった ( serpens は「蛇」のほか「ドラゴン」も指すが、おそらく、 ギリシャ語から借用して造った draco なる言葉が使用される前からその意味はあったのだろう) が、ギリシャではドラコン、即ち、「みるもの、はっきりみえる (目を持つ) もの、見守るもの、見張るもの、じっとみつめるもの、にらむもの」であった。ギリシャの龍にかぎったことではないが、龍というものは大概お宝を守っている。

 ギリシャの龍は眠らずに見張り番をするから、対応するゲルマン語は watch があてはまるかもしれないwatch はもともと「よく見る、(眠らず夜通し) 見張る、警戒する」の意味であった。寝ないで行うことだから、 wake と同源である。 watch の印欧祖語動詞語根は *weg- 「強い、いきいきしている」。

 英単語 see の語源は印欧祖語 *sekw- 「追う」である。 see  sequel と同系。

 gaze は印欧祖語 *ghowe- 「尊敬する、崇拝する」から。

 stare は印欧祖語 *star- 「強い、しっかりしている、硬い、硬直している」から。

 glance glare は印欧祖語 *ghel-  「かがやく、きらめく」からで、 glass と同系である。

 look は印欧祖語まで遡れない。

 「見る (to see)」の意味の印欧祖語はいくつか再建されている。

 印欧祖語 *weid- 「みる」は wise wisdom guide guidance idol wit  view visa visage vision vista video  advice advise envy evidence interview preview review supervisesurvey idea history  Hades penguin druid Veda などの語源とされていて、「みる、みえる。しる、わかる」などを意味していたのだろう。知識・知恵と関わりのある単語が多い。

 印欧祖語 *okw- 「みる」は、 eye daisy ogle window optic occular monocle autopsy などの語根で、概ね「目」に関係がある。

 また、古典ギリシャ語 φις 「蛇」などから、印欧祖語で「蛇、鰻」を指す言葉 (*angwhis / *ongwhis ) も再建されている。

 ギリシャの龍はカドモスの伝説、イアーソーン (Jason) の冒険、ヘーラクレース (Hercules) の冒険などに登場する。イアーソーンの話に出て来る龍はコルキス (Colchis) で黄金の裘 (Golden Fleece) を守り、ヘーラクレースの話に出て来る龍は世界の西の果てのへスペリデス (Hesperides = 黄昏の娘たち) の園で命の木とその実である黄金の果実を守っている。

 イーアーソンはコルキスの王女で魔女のメーデイア (Medea) の手を借りて龍を倒し、龍の歯の災いを解決する。

 ヘーラクレース (Hercules) はラドーン (Ladon / 一説には、ヒュドラのように、百の頭を有する龍) を倒し (一説に、アートラスに黄金の果実をもいできてもらって)、それを食べて不死となる。一方、ラドーンは、一説によると、死後、遣わし手であったヘーラー (Hera) のはからいで、夜空のりゅう座となる。

 dragon に対応するゲルマン語は drake だが、 drake dragon と同様にラテン語の draco からできている。『ベーオウルフ (Beowulf) 』はゲルマンの龍退治伝説である。


 龍を退治した聖ジョージ (St. George) はイングランドの守護聖人。その紋章は赤十字 (Rouge Croix, Red Cross) である、

 一四八五年のボズワースの決戦 (Battle of Bosworth) で、リチャード三世 (Richard III, r.1483-5) を破り、ヨーク家のエリザベスと結婚して、薔薇戦争 (Wars of Roses) に終止符を打ったチューダー朝 (House of Tudor) 初代の王ヘンリー七世  (Henry VII, r. 1485-1509) は、ウェールズの伝説となっていたカドワラダ王 (Cadwaladr) の末裔を名乗り、その紋章であった赤い龍を継承したので、以降、ウェールズ王子 (Prince of Wales) の紋章には赤い龍 (Rouge Dragon, Red Dragon) が描かれるようになった。また、薔薇戦争では火打ち石式の銃が用いられていたので、ヘンリー七世の軍隊には「赤い龍軍団 (Red Dragons)」と呼ばれた王室火打ち石歩兵隊 (Royal Fusiliers) があった。




 現代では中国の龍は英単語 dragon に影響を与えている。

Thursday, December 11, 2014

dragon’s teeth

dragon’s teeth

Word DNA ~~~~~~~~~
I [1644, first printed in Areopagitica (A Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing to the Parliament of England) by Milton.]
“seeds of rebellion, revenge, retaliation, or disorder,  which one sows unknowingly.”

II [1943, military slang; from the imagined form of dragon’s teeth.]
“set of concrete anti-tank obstacles.”

dragon’s + teeth
   In Greek mythology, when Cadmus slew the dragon, the guardian of the spring in Boeotia, the voice of Athena was heard that said, “Sow the dragon’s teeth…” When the Phoenician prince did it, completely armed soldiers sprang out of earth one after another & attacked the sower.
   From this legend, the phrase sow dragon’s teeth means to “unexpectedly give revenge a chance; unknowingly make conflict, strife, etc..”
   According to OED, sow the dragon’s teeth was first printed in 1853.

龍の歯、龍の牙: まく人が気付かずにまく反乱・報復・混乱の種。
Philistines sowed dragon’s teeth when they took Samson, bound him and put out his eyes...

~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子

 龍の歯の英語の初出例は一六四四年に刊行されたミルトン作の『アレオパジティカ (国会の承認なしに印刷する自由についての弁論)』に見出せる。



 カドモスは、妹エウロパ (Europa) をゼウス (Zeus) に誘拐されたため、父親のフェニキア王アゲーノール (Agenor) の命令により、妹を救うべく、世の中を津々浦々探しまわったが、見つからなかった。救出できないなら帰国するなと厳命されていたので、カドモスは、今後の身のふるまい方をデルファイ (Delphi) のアポローンの神託に尋ねた。

 神託に従って、カドモスの一行がボイオーティア (Boeotia) の戦争の神アレース (Ares) の森にやってくると、水を汲みに行った部下たちは泉の主であるドラコン (りゅう、または、おろち) に猛毒を吹きかけられたり、締め付けられたりして、皆殺しにされた。一人生き残っていたカドモスは孤軍奮闘の末、ドラコンを退治した

 ドラコンが倒れると、知恵の女神アテーナイ (Athena) の声が聞こえてきた。「龍の歯を大地にまきなさい」と言う。言われたとおりにすると、大地から次々と武装した兵が生えてきて、まいたカドモスに襲いかかってきた。



 カドモスは襲いかかられて困惑したが、宝石 (ただの石とする説も) を兵士たちの中に投げ入れると、兵たちは奪い合いをはじめ、同士討ちをして次々に死んでいった。もし宝石を投げ入れることに気づかなかったら、カドモスは殺されていただろう。ところで、龍の牙の兵たちは最強の五人になると、殺し合いをやめて、カドモスの家来になることを誓った。カドモスは彼らと共にテーバイ (Thebes) の都を建てた。




Monday, December 08, 2014

chase the dragon

chase the dragon

Word DNA ~~~~~~~~~
I [1961, loan translation of Hong Kong underground slang.]
“to inhale the vapor from heroin, opium, etc. heated on a taper with the tube of rolled paper or bamboo; to take drug,”

Loan translation of Cantonese slang / 追龍 (zhuī lóng) “to inhale the vapor from heroin, opium, etc. heated on a folded piece of tinfoil with a taper.” The drifting of the vapor was imagined as an undulating tail of the Chinese dragon. The smoker chases it with the tube of rolled paper or bamboo. When the smoker uses the match box cover instead of the tube, that act is called “playing the mouth organ.”

龍を追いかける = 龍 (のようなヘロインの煙) を追いかける (て吸う): ヤクをやる
Every few hours the father chased the dragon over a piece of silver foil, heated by a candle...

~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子



Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Are You Ready Well?

Rice & salt were the basic necessities for the Japanese living, bacon was needed for the English living, & fish was the daily diet in Philippine. While the Japanese earned the money to buy rice & salt, the English worked to bring home bacon.  The peoples wanted more rice, more bacon, or more fish, by the natural desire. Old Filipinos had got a very simple idea to bring home more fish. The old Tagalog proverb tells us that if we were ready well, we would bring home sufficient necessities:
The man goes about with more fish-baskets is the one who brings home a lot of fish.

Proverb Data

Old Tagalog Saying
The man goes about with more fish-baskets is the one who brings home a lot of fish.



About "Life is a Joke"


Friday, November 28, 2014


相槌は鍛冶屋から出てきた言葉のひとつ。親方が熱した鉄を打つと、その直後に、弟子が打つ。すると、リズミカルに仕事が進む。よって、相手の言ったことに調子を合わせたり、頷いたりすることを相槌を打つと言うようになった。の字は二者が協力して何かする様、または、二者に関わりがある言葉に用いられる (: 相槌、相棒、相方、相打ち、相談、相互)




Monday, November 24, 2014

dragon lady

dragon lady

Word DNA ~~~~~~~~~
I [1930s]
“forcefully dominant or hostile woman, especially one of south-east Asian descent.” 

dragon + lady = “dragon-natured woman”
   Dragon Lady was created by the American cartoonist Milton Caniff (1907-88). In his comic strip Terry and the Pirates in 1930s, she was the villain drawn as the south-east powerful woman.
   The Chinese dragon is generally thought to hold power & dominance over people, & the Western dragon, to have brutality bringing people to fear. 

龍 (の性質の) 女支配的な (アジア) 女性、悪女、お局様、女帝、いじわるばあさん、鬼ばばあ
・Mrs. Adams, better known to the underclassmen as “the Dragon Lady,” teaches the higher-level history courses...

・The name "Dragon Lady" has often been applied to powerful Asian women such as Empress Cixi and Madame Chiang Kai-shek of China or Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu of Vietnam...

・Mei-ling became world famous as Madame Chiang, the dragon lady of international anti-Communism who shaped American policy toward China until 1972, when the ice was broken by then U.S. president Richard M. Nixon... )

~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子

 Dragon Lady の字面は「龍女」。中国の龍は天候を司るので国の運命を左右する支配的立場にあり、西洋では黙示録に照らし合わせて、悪魔の化身として極悪とされている。また、厳格で支配的な女性を指す dragon of virtue 「美徳の龍」なる表現が十九世紀には発している。二十世紀前半のアメリカの漫画家であるカニフは、龍の持つそういったイメージを利用して「龍女」なるフレーズとキャラを造ったのだろう。


Monday, November 17, 2014



Word DNA ~~~~~~~~~
I [19th century]
“Chinese traditional, semi-oxidized tea.”

Chinese 乌龙茶 / 烏龍茶 wūlóngchá, word-for-word,  “crow(-colored = “dark, black”) dragon tea.” 

 烏は「からす (色・の); ()」の意で、加工後の茶葉の色
・The basic varieties of tea are black, green, and oolong...

・The original oolongs were long, dark, twisted leaves that inspired an association with the dragon’s tail...

・Taiwanese oolongs are characterized by their light oxidation...

 淹れた「茶」。英語では tea を加えて oolong tea としても用いる
・Black teas have been fermented, green teas are unfermented, and oolong teas are semi-fermented...

・ In the 70s, the company began selling oolong tea, which had not been well known in Japan. It was a big hit...

・Brewing oolong tea is easier than brewing green tea...

 ・The oolong teas are stronger than the green teas and more delicate than the black teas

・Oolong tea has been popular on the Japanese and Southeast Asian markets for many years. Now the taste has spread to Europe and the Americas...

・Green tea, which is the beverage of choice in Japan, is a more lightly proceded version of the black tea flavored in the west, or the oolong tea popular in China. All forms of tea contain antioxidant flavonoids known as polyphenols...

 ・a 1992 Oolong Tea Commercial...

~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子

 チャノキはツバキと同属の低木である。椿の洋名 camellia は、スウェーデンの動植物学者リンネ (Carl Linnaeus, 1707-78 / Swedish: Carl von Linné / Latin: Carolus Linnæus / Carolus a Linné ) が、フィリピン・ルソン島 (Luzon) の植物体系を記述したチェコ出身のイエズス会士カメル (Georg Kamel, 1661–1706) の功績を讃えて、そのラテン名 Camellus から一七五三年に命名したものである。但し、カメルは椿を見たことがなかったのだといわれている。

 学名 Camellia Sinensis は「中国のツバキ」で、「チャノキ」のことである。リンネは紅茶は緑茶と別種の低木と考えていたが、一八八七年、ドイツの植物分類学者クンツェ (Carl Ernst Otto Kuntze, 1843-1907) によってそれが間違いであることが判明した。紅茶、烏龍茶、緑茶、フーアール茶などは Camellia Sinensis に属する木の葉を加工して作るお茶である。中国名は茶花 (cháhuā)。チャノキの日常での英名は tea / tea plant / tea tree / tea shrub である。チャノキは中国原産とされるもの (Camellia sinensis var. sinensis) のほかに、メジャーなものとしてインド北東部産とされるアッサム種 (Camellia sinensis var. assamica) が知られている。

 茶の葉や葉の芽は、酸化 (「発酵」ともいう) するほど黒くなるが、日本人が好む緑茶は酸化させないように加工したものであるのに対して、烏龍茶は酸化させたものである。英国人が好む紅茶は烏龍茶を更に酸化させたもので、英語圏の人が紅茶を他のお茶と区別する際は black tea と呼ぶ。但し、中国やそのほかの漢字文化圏の国々では、周知のように、紅茶  (中国語: 红茶 hóngchá) と呼ぶ。西欧人は十六世紀にマレーシアや中国の福建などでお茶に出会ったが、本国へ輸出するようになったのは十七世紀からである。西洋でお茶を一番好んだのは英国人であったが、緑茶や烏龍茶の状態では、船で英国まで輸送する間に風味が薄れるか抜けるかしておいしくなくなってしまっていたので、もともと酸化による風味がある紅茶が主流になったのだろう。

 中国からの茶葉の輸入は阿片戦争 (1840-2) の原因の一つである。中国から茶葉や絹や陶磁器を大量に買っていた英国はその支払いをインドで栽培した阿片の中国への密輸で賄ったので、清朝 (1616-1912) の怒りを買って戦争になった。

 烏龍茶のは「からす (色・の); ()」の意味である。なぜ次にの文字が使われているのかは諸説あるが、元来、チャノキの葉が長くて黒く、龍の尾を思わせるようにくねっていたからだという。また、もしかすると、お茶の代表的存在ということでが加えられたのかもしれない。は中国では天候を左右するから、国の命運を握る重要な神であった。西洋人が烏龍茶に出会った十七世紀は清の時代であったが、清朝の旗にもは描かれていた。


Thursday, November 13, 2014



 万葉の昔、日本には稲刈りの頃に渡ってくる (かり = がん) を狩って食べる風習があったが、お寺のお坊さんは精進料理しか食べなかったので、旬の料理である雁の肉を口にすることはなかった。そこで信心深い人々も食べられるようにと、誰かが一計を案じ、雁の肉とよく似たがんもどきを発明した。


 飛龍頭 / 飛竜子 (漢字表記はさまざま) は「ひりょうず、ひりゅうず、ひりうず」などと読み、関西弁で「がんもどき」を指す。おそらく、飛龍頭は丸く作っていた人々が充てた字で、飛竜子 は細長く作っていた人々が充てた字であろう。一説に語源はポルトガル語の filhós とされる。 filhó (単数形) は小麦粉と卵を練って油で揚げたパンケーキのことである。歴史のどこかで、揚げ菓子と精進の揚げ物であるがんもどきが混同され、いっしょくたになったのだろう。

 フィーリョスは、英語では、 fried cake / pancake という (: filhós de natal = Christmas fried cake )

Amazon Japan

Friday, November 07, 2014



Word DNA ~~~~~~~~~
I [1897]
“vampire (lord); blood-sucker; sinister person.”

Romanian dracul “devil" (in the 15th c., also meaning a “dragon”) + -a. suffix that means the “son of”
   After Count Doracula, a fictional character in Dracula, a Gothic horror novel, which Bram Stoker published in 1897. The Irish author Bram Stoker borrowed this name from Prince Vlad of Wallachia (1431-76?), who was called Vlad Dracula (spelt variously. eg. Ladislaus Drakula, Wladislaus Dragwlya), because his father had joined the Order of the Dragon founded 1408 by Sigismund, king of Hungary (later, Holy Roman Emperor), to defend the Christian religion & defeat Turkish Muslims & native heretics. Dracula in Romanian is said to have meant the “son of the dragon” in the 15th century, & this word derived from Latin draco “dragon,” adopted from Greek δρκων. Christians, now & then,  often identify the dragon, serpent, or snake, with the Devil. The Prince of Walachia has another name Vlad Țepeș in Romanian or Vlad the Impaler,  because he did mass impalement of his enemies. This name may have impressed his brutality on people’s mind. 

*derk- “to see”

 (用例: The real Dracula was born in 1431 in Transylvania… Harker discovers that Dracula has no mirror reflection… In an age of violence, all the Draculas lived violently… Regarding Dracula, the historical personage, the official Communist party historians portrayed him as a national hero… a fan of Dracula horror filems…)


*= reconstructed form = 再建形
Greek = Ancient Greek = 古典ギリシャ語
~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子

 ドラキュラ伯爵は、十九世紀末、新鮮な血を求めてトランシルヴァニア (Transylvania) からイングランドに移住してくる。犠牲者ルーシー (Lucy Westenra) の奇病から吸血鬼の存在に気づいたヴァン・ヘルシング教授 (Professor Abraham Van Helsing) は、やがて、彼女の三人の求婚者たち (Dr. John Seward, Quincey Morris, Arthur Holmwood) や、友人でドラキュラ伯爵の餌食になりかけたミーナ (Wilhelmina “Mina” Murray)、その婚約者でドラキュラ泊の城にいる三姉妹 (sisters or Dracula’s brides) に囚われたことのあるジョナサン (Jonathan Harker) と協力して、ドラキュラを追い詰める。ドラキュラはヘルシング教授を怖れて、故郷のトランシルバニアに逃げ帰るが、教授の一行は追跡してドラキュラ伯の城に乗り込んでいく。ショナサンがククリでドラキュラの喉を裂き、ルーシーの求婚者だったクインシーがボーイナイフで心臓を突くと、ドラキュラは土塊になって崩れ去る。以上がストーカー作『ドラキュラ』の大雑把なあらすじである。


 また、十六世紀末から十七世紀初頭にかけて六百五十人もの女子を殺害したとされるハンガリーのバートリー・エルジェーベト伯爵夫人 (Countess Elizabeth Báthory / Hungarian: Báthory Erzsébet, 1560-1614) もドラキュラ伯爵のモデルの一人といわれている。彼女は若い処女の血によって、若返ることができると信じていたらしく、娘たちを集めて惨殺し、血の風呂を作って、生温かいうちに浸っていたという。


  vampire はスラブ語族由来の言葉である。


Friday, October 24, 2014

Don't Forget the Prayer

In the Japanese language, the hand is the symbol of working & making. Te-ma, means “time to work or labor,” te-wo-kasu means “to lend a hand, to work with another, to help or assist,” te-wo-kariru, litterally, “to borrow one’s hands,” means “to get aid, to work with an assistant, helper, friend, etc,” te-wo-kuwaeru, literally, “to add a hand,” means “to make better,” & te-wo-nuku, literally, “to pull one’s hand off,” means “to work or make irresponsibly or carelessly, to neglect part of one’s business; to be lazy.” The Japanese people also say, kuchi-yori-te-wo-ugokase, literally, "Work your hands before your mouth," which means "Shut your mouth & work harder." In Arab nations which Muslims are obliged to pray 5 times a day, it is thought that a man is lazy who forgets to say the Arabic prayer Alhamdulillah, or Praise be to God; thus, to such a person who neglects part of his business, an Arab says:
If you forgettest to say “Praise be to God!” in what other words wilt thou pray?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Useful as Ornithology to Birds

Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), Vienna-born Cambridge philosopher,  has once concluded that the traditional philosophy is of no use at all. John D. Barrow (b. 1952), British cosmologist, once expressed humorously & more gently than Wittgenstein about the position of philosophy:
The philosophy of science is about as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds.

Monday, October 13, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
not yet, though all’s fair in vanessy, were sosie sesthers wroth with twone nathandjoe.

Humpty Dumpty says:
Sesthers --- this word at first is the Joynglish form for sisters; & implies Jonathan Swift’s 2 Esthers, but it is obvious that Joyce put much more in it; for example, Esther, the Jewish lady of the Apocrypha born out of unknown parents as Stella, & as fair & wise as Sheherazade, can be probably counted in it. I don’t know whether Joyce meant or not, all women are sisters as God’s daughters.”

Sunday, October 12, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
not yet, though all’s fair in vanessy, were sosie sesthers wroth with twone nathandjoe.

Humpty Dumpty says:
Sosie is from French sosie "double," which links with the 2 Esthers who loved Jonathan Swift; plus, it might sound like saucy.”


やじ (野次) 野次馬の省略から。野次馬は老馬を指したおやじ馬からを省いた形ともいわれる (親父馬野次馬野次)

 野次馬は英語で onlooker といい、野次 heckling という。

Saturday, October 11, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
not yet, though all’s fair in vanessy, were sosie sesthers wroth with twone nathandjoe.

Humpty Dumpty says:
Vanessy is a portmanteau word made with, at least,  2 words: Vanessa & vanity. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), Irish-born English satire & author of the immortal masterpiece Gulliver’s Travels, tauftaufed 3 women outside the church in his life: Jane Waring & the two Esthers. He nicknamed JW “Varina,” the 1st Esther “Stella,” & the 2nd “Vanessa.” The 1st Esther was Esther Johnson (1681-1728) born out of wedlock, & brought up by Sir William Temple, 1st Baronet & English diplomat, who was rumored to have been her father. Swift worked as a secretary for the diplomat & tutor for her in his early 20s. The 2nd Esther was Esther Van Homrigh (1688-1723), the  1st daughter of Bartholomew Van Homrigh, the leading Dublin merchant of Dutch stock, & his wife Esther (née Stone). When Swift first met Esther Johnson, she was only 8 years old. In 1690, he came back to Ireland where he was born; however, I don’t know why he left the diplomat & the young girl. He was ordained a clergyman, & received a small parish at Kilroot near Belfast,  where he met Varina, his college friend’s sister. But they never played the perfect harmony, & several years later, Swift decided to leave her & returned to England, counting on Sir William Temple. When he met Esther Johnson again, probably in the Temples’s house, she was a beautiful, sophisticated 20-years-old girl. The clergyman taufed her  “Stella,” & he kept in correspondence with her until death parted the two. In the next act of his life story, the heroine Vanessa entered. In December, 1707, at the inn in Dunstable near London, where the circle members of the Van Homrighs gathered, Swift saw her spilling coffee in the fireplace. Her family had just moved from Dublin to London that year. He taufed her “Vanessa” by blending with Van, part of her surname, & Latin esse “be” or Esther. Her love for him may have been stronger than his love for her. The Van Homrighs, in their London house, set up a room for Swift, which he describes in an 18th-of-December-1711 letter to Stella: “sluttery, which I have so often found to be the most agreeable Chamber in the World.” Vanessa & Jonathan Swift sometimes enjoyed coffee times for about 2 years & he may have done some work in the chamber. After that, he returned to Dublin, I couldn’t find any obvious reason. But Vanessa couldn’t forget him.  After her mother had passed she followed him & swiftly moved to Dublin.  When he was appointed to be dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 1714, some Swiftian lecturers today say that, though , he may have resolved to marry at that time, he secretly chose & married Stella but not Vanessa. It is also said to cause her death. She died literally of a broken heart, they say. By the way, Jonathan Swift traveled a few times across the channel in his life as Sir Tristram did so. A Jonathan Swift is a Sir Tristram in a sense in Joyce’s mind.”

Monday, October 06, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
not yet, though venissoon after, had a kidscad buttended a bland old isaac...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“Venissoon is very soon implying venison, the word derived from Latin vēnātiō “hunting,” which is the symbol of Esau in Joynglish. Esau is a hunter & Jacob is a farmer. Read Genesis 27:3. Their old father said to Esau: “Go out to the field and take some venison.””

Sunday, October 05, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
not yet, though venissoon after, had a kidscad buttended a bland old isaac...

Humpty Dumpty says:
But tended, only looked after? Butt-ended, ended with or at the butt? Butted, struck with the head? Which? All? More? Joynglish is a magical laguage which can tell two or more stories in a single sentence, clause, phrase, or word; for instance, here, Jacob is to Isaac in Genesis as Charles Stewart Parnell is to Isaac Butt in the late 19th century Irish political world. Charles S. Parnell, christened “Butthead” in his childhood by his sisters,  butted Isaac Butt away from his position.”


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
not yet, though venissoon after, had a kidscad buttended a bland old isaac...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“Jacob himself, or a Jacob, might be a child scoundrel, or kidscad. To trick his dim-eyed father, he put kid skin & pretended to be his hairy brother Esau, & then, got his father’s blessing meant for Esau.”


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
nor avoice from afire bellowsed mishe mishe to tauftauf thuartpeatrick...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“A pair of bellows is originally an instrument of a smith to blow air into the fire. The basic verb sense is “to blow with bellows for making fire,” & since a sound the device produces, I’ve not heard yet, might be like a man’s or animal’s roar; thus, the word has got the more common  senses “to roar in pain or anger; to sing a song loudly & tunelessly.” Bellows was also used as a metaphor for something that blows up the fire of passion or discord; or one’s lungs;  or broken-winded horse. Belly & bellows have the same origin: Old English bæl, bęl ‘bag, skin, envelope, hull of beans and peas.”



Word DNA ~~~~~~~~~
 I (2002)
 “self-shot digital photo.”

Australian English: self + -ie, variant for -y (pet-name-forming suffix)

セルフィー、自画撮り (写真)、自撮り:
 (用例: iOS 8 also includes a timer function, so it's possible to take a handsfree selfie… )

 (Nokia selfie phone… selfie app… )

~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子


 selfie はニ〇〇二年の初出だが、決定的に認知されるようになったのはニ〇一二年からである。  スマートフォンでは、操作している人自身に向けたレンズでも写真を撮影できる。そのレンズが捉えた映像は画面に写し出される。操作している人は鏡を見ているように、自分の顔を見ながら撮影できる。こういったスマートフォンが普及したことと、セルフィーのポピュラー化は同時進行したのだろう。

 selfie OED のニ〇一三年の Word of the Year である。

Saturday, October 04, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
nor avoice from afire bellowsed mishe mishe to tauftauf thuartpeatrick…

Humpty Dumpty says:
Thuartpeatrick is made with thou art Peter, thou art Patrick, pea, & trcik. Jesus says in Matthew 12:18-19, “thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” Peter comes from Greek Πέτρος “stone, rock.” Patrick is the Irish saint - an Old-Irish-speaking Moses in Joyce’s mind, maybe. The pea trick is from the episode of the 25th chapter of Genesis: Esau sold the right of his firstborn son to his younger twin brother Jacob for the red pottage of lentiles. An Esau, as in a general text, is one who prefers temporary profit  to permanent advantage. Jacob is also called James in English, but James Joyce was the firstborn son.

Thursday, October 02, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3
riverrun… brings us… back to Howth Castle and Environs.

Humpty Dumpty says:
Us is the objective for we, naturally, in the 1st sense; & US is also the sign of the United States, which has the city of Dublin founded by an Irish American, & a seemingly crazy JJ forced to bring it back to Howth Castle & Environs --- in his donburi counting, where was an entire Dublin in Ireland --- & blended them. In other words, a perfect genius Joyce who could easily find common points between two DUBLINS, or everywhere, by mixing  two cities,  might have wanted to put forth universality in the societies, cultures, or nature of man.”

Wednesday, October 01, 2014





Do you feel Nous-rêverons hiding in the Liffey or any river?
Do you feel that a church, tavern, & paradise are all the same place?
Do you feel that American Dubliners & Irish Dubliners are the same kind of people?


Wednesday, September 24, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
nor avoice from afire bellowsed mishe mishe to tauftauf thuartpeatrick not yet, though venissoon after, had a kidscad buttended a bland old isaac...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“Tauftauf? Tough, tough? --- what’s tough? James Voyce’s story is tough to hear that is always telling me in mysterious ways. German tauf is baptismal, &, as the verb stem,  baptize; hence, tauftauf probably expresses christening, christening. Reduplications represent recirculation in history, & maybe, to baptize is to make tough in the thought of Christians. I think that if I told Joyce my imagination, that the sound of German tauf is similar to that of Chinese dào (Tao), he would probably feel very happy to hear about it. Tao is ubiquitous forever.”

Monday, September 22, 2014

mishe mishe

on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

mishe mishe
Discovered in p3:
nor avoice from afire bellowsed mishe mishe to tauftauf thuartpeatrick not yet, though venissoon after, had a kidscad buttended a bland old isaac...

Humpty Dumpty says:

“Finnegans Wake is indeed full of mishmashes of multilingual words. German common noun Mische, equivalent to English mix, is packed into this portmanteau at first. The mix of God’s voice & Moses’s response is the main content of this package that Joyce borrowed from Exodus 3:4, which reads, “God called unto him out of the midst of the bush --- this bush was burning ---, and said, Moses, Moses (Hebrew: Moshe Moshe,) and he said, Here am I (Old Irish: Mishe Mishe.)” Exodus 2:10 says about the origin of the name Moses: “And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses: and she said, Because I drew him out of the water.” Furthermore, whether Joyce meant or not, mish is the condensed form for mission in slang & I have found mish in an Albanian dictionary by chance that means “flesh.” As you know, Genesis 2:23 says that Eve is bone of Adam’s bones & flesh of his flesh. Do you hear “me she me she” from this reduplication?”

Saturday, September 20, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
nor avoice from afire bellowsed mishe mishe to tauftauf thuartpeatrick not yet, though venissoon after, had a kidscad buttended a bland old isaac...

Humpty Dumpty says:
Afire means “on fire; burning.” Avoice is parallel with it, mayhap: “speaking.” This word can also be translated into common English: “one voice.” or “one kind of voice.” I can’t imagine anymore.”


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
nor had topsawyer’s rocks by the stream Oconee exaggerated themselse to Laurens County’s gorgios while they went doublin their mumper all the time...

Humpty Dumpty says:
Doubling & Dublin are blended in this term, probably meaning “doubling in Dublin.” It is insensitive to qustion where this Dublin is. Enjoyce Finnekabans Wake!”





on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
nor had topsawyer’s rocks by the stream Oconee exaggerated themselse to Laurens County’s gorgios while they went doublin their mumper all the time...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“This portmanteau word is made with number & mumper, which is a beggar or tramp in the general sense & a halfbred gypsy in slang. In Joynglish, thus, mumper might mean the “number of halfbred, begging gypsies or wanderers … ””

Friday, September 19, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
nor had topsawyer’s rocks by the stream Oconee exaggerated themselse to Laurens County’s gorgios while they went doublin their mumper all the time...

Humpty Dumpty says:
Themselse is also just a portmanteau word Joyce made with themselves & else, meaning “themselves & another people,” I am sure.”


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
nor had topsawyer’s rocks by the stream Oconee exaggerated themselse to Laurens County’s gorgios while they went doublin their mumper all the time...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“In Romany, gorgio is a non-Gypsy guy, who lives in a house & not in a tent. In Italian, gorgo is a whirlpool; in English, gorge, a  ravine or throat. The term also implies the state name Georgia. In Joynglish, thus, gorgios might be non-Gypsy gorgeous people living in a whirlpool in a gorge in Georgia.”



「ロマニー語でゴルジョっちゅうんは、ジプシーじゃないやつっちゅうこと。テントじゃなく家に暮らすもんやな。イタリア語でゴルゴっちゅうんは渦のことで、英語で gorge っちゅうんは「峡谷」とか「喉」っちゅうこと。ジョージアっちゅう州名のこともほのめかしちょるな。よってジョイングリッシュでは、ジョージア州の峡谷に渦巻きながら暮らす贅沢なジプシーじゃない人々っちゅうことかな」

Thursday, September 18, 2014

stream Oconee

on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

stream Oconee
Discovered in p3:
nor had topsawyer’s rocks by the stream Oconee exaggerated themselse to Laurens County’s gorgios while they went doublin their mumper all the time...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“It seems that the model of the stream Oconee is the Oconee River, that runs in Dublin Lawrens County Georgia, USA, that, according to enjoyclopedia, Peter Oconee, from Dublin, Ireland, founded.”

topsawyer's rocks

on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

topsawyer’s rocks
Discovered in p3:
nor had topsawyer’s rocks by the stream Oconee exaggerated themselse to Laurens County’s gorgios while they went doublin their mumper all the time...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“Topsawyer might have several different faces:  an upper-hadle holder of a pit-saw, which is a large saw used in a vertical position by two men for cutting timber, or top-class guy, or swayer, an anagram for sawyer, that refers to a wielder or ruler.  A Mark Twain’s hero Tom Sawyer might hide in a clever way in this term. The word sawyer sometimes refers to a trunk or log floating in a river. Rocks are dangerous for sailors that could wreck the ship. What do you imagine with a trunk & rocks? In slang, rocks are one’s testicles. While chickens come out of eggs,  human beings come out of rocks --- in other words: man’s ultimate home.”

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
Sir Tristram… had passen-core rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war...

Humpty Dumpty says:
Penisolate is a portmanteau word made with peninsula & isolate, of course. Can you imagine the shape of this peninsula? Where is this peninsula? There are numberless peninsulas where the war occurred in our history.” 


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
Sir Tristram… had passen-core rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“A wielder is a master, ruler, or governor.  Wielderfight is a verb which means “wield one’s arms & fight,” & German wieder "again," corresponding to French encore, gives influence to this word; thus, wielderfight means “wielde one’s arms & fight again as a master.” We readers are in a way of recirculation by Joyce who guides. "

scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor

on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor
Discovered in p3:
Sir Tristram… had passen-core rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“Where the heck is the scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor, do you ask? Maybe, this isthmus is the narrow part like the neck between Howth Head & mainland of Ireland. Both Scrag & Greek σθµός mean “neck”; thus, Ireland is Europe Minor in Joynglish. This is one of the answers.”

North Armorica

in Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

North Armorica
Discovered in p3:
Sir Tristram… had passen-core rearrived from North Armorica…

Humpty Dumpty says:
North Armorica is the northern part of Armorica. Armorica is the place name that refers to Present-day Brittany, Normandie, & surroundings, France, part of Gaul, or Gallia in Latin in ancient times. where the Seine and Loire rivers run. Celtic peoples lived there in Iron Age, & then, the Roman Empire invaded and built settlements. The local place name North Armorica had never been written by any writer before Finnegans Wake. This fact can tell us that Joyce has his 2nd intention. A lot of Irish people in Joyce’s time, the early 20th century, were longing to immigrate to North America, ie. the United States of America. In Joyce’s view, the mainland of America on the map could look like the armor; armor hides in Armorica. After all, this scene says between the lines: Sir Tristram had left there...”



「北アルモニカっちゅうのはアルモニカの北部っちゅうこと。アルモニカは今日のフランスのブルターニュやノルマンディーやその周辺を指す地名で、古代ではゴール、即ち、ローマ人のいうガリアの一部のことじゃた。そこにはセーヌ川とロワール川が流れちょる。石器時代にはケルト人が住んどったが、その後、ローマ帝国が侵略して植民地にしたんじゃ。ただ、北アルモニカっちゅう地名が『フィネガンズ・ウェイク』以前に記されたことは一度もない。つまり、ジョイスには二番目の意図があったっちゅうことや。二十世紀前半のジョイスの時代、多くのアイルランド人は北アメリカ大陸、ことアメリカ合衆国への移住に憧れておったんじゃ。地図上のアメリカの本土は、ジョイスの目には、鎧に似ちょるのかもしれんな。Armor が Armorica の中に隠れちょるわい。なにはともあれ、このシーンは行間で、トリストラム卿がそこを発った、ちゅうことをいっちょるな」

Sir Tristram

on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Sir Tristram
Discovered in p3:
Sir Tristram, violer d’amores, fr’over the short sea, had passen-core rearrived from North Armorica on this side the scraggy isthmus of Europe Minor to wielderfight his penisolate war... 

Humpty Dumpty says:

“Who is Sir Tristram? Although it is sure that Joyce borrowed this name from the medieval tale of Tristan & Iseult, & Tristan Tzara, the swiss founder of dadaism, one of the early-20th-century movements in the world of art, which challenged to change the logical & reasonable common sense through & through, Tristram might be a Joynglish compound newly made with French triste “sad” & ram, “uncastrated male sheep,” that implies an ordinary God-leading man everywhere, or sad stray sheep, simply. As James Joyce had many faces, Finnegans Wake has many faces: JJ with a dadaist face drew an absurd & nonsense one. He himself confesses it here with the name of Sir Tristram.”

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Discovered in p3:
Sir Tristram… had passen-core rearrived…

Humpty Dumpty says:
“To think simple, passen-core is the French phrase pas encore  “not yet,” but to think that a Joynglish word always has various senses in a single sentence, passen-core could conceal something else. For example, passen could be passing, & cor, the Latin word: “heart.” Additionally, core could be thought to mean “friends, company, or a group of important members (ie. the knights of the round table)” --- Sir Tristram is a member of them. In short, I tell you one possible interpretation Joyce may have meant: Sir Tristram had not yet, feeling lonely or void (passing the friends), rearrived...” 

Sunday, September 14, 2014



Word DNA ~~~~~~~~~
I [1999, abbreviation for weblog.]
noun “diary, journal, etc. recorded & published on the Internet by a person or a group of people .”

II [1999]
verb “to run a blog; to write & post a piece of article to  one’s own blog.”

web (abbreviation for world wide web) + log (record).

「ブログ (): (用例: a journalist blog... spam blog... blog post... blog publisher... )

「ブログに寄せられた」: (blog comments... )

「ブログを管理する、ブログに書く・公開する」: (How to blog... I blogged about that murder yesterday... )

blog + -er = blogger
ブログ + ~する・やる人 = ブロガー

blog + -ing = blogging
ブログ + している = ブログしている

blog + -istan = blogistan
ブログ  + = ブログコミュニティー
NOTE: Pakistan -istan から。

blog + sphere = blogosphere
ブログ + (地球) = ブログコミュニティー (地球上の全ブログ)

blog + noscenti = blognoscenti
ブログ + 知る者 = ブログを通して知らせる者

blog + (soft)ware = blogware
ブログ + ソフトウェア = ブログウェア

blog + food = flog
ブログ + フッド = 食べ物に言及するブログ

audio- + blog = audioblog
オーディオ(音声)  + ブログ = オーブィオブログ

video + blog = vlog
ビデオ (動画) + ブログ = ビデオブログ

~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子

 blog weblog の短縮形。つまり、www (world wide web) 上に公開された記録 (log) のこと。 ウェブログはそもそも専門用語で、ウェブサーバの動作やデータのやりとりの記録のことであったが、一九九〇年代後半、インターネットでサービスを提供する会社がウェブサイトのテンプレートをユーザーに提供するようになり、そのサービスもウェブログと呼ばれるようになって、やがて短縮化され、ブログになった。

 ログは元々、丸太のことだが、船の動きを制御するための道具もログといっていた。この意味の log の初出は十六世紀である。航海者たちはその装置の設定方法を毎日日誌に付けていて、当初、その日誌はログブック (log-book) と呼ばれていたが、やがて略され、単にログと呼ぶようになった。

 二十世紀になってインターネットが発明されると、コンピュータの動作の記録をログと呼ぶようになり、更に語義が広がり、コンピュータの中の記録をログと言うようになった。その動詞形から log in 「記録を閲覧する為にサーバ内に入る、ログインする」や log out 「データのあるサーバから出る。ログアウトする」などの言い回しができた。

 英語の辞書 Merriam-Websterblog を2004年の言葉 (the word of the year) に選んだ。

 flog vlog は鞄語である。

fr’over the short sea

on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

fr’over the short sea
Discovered in p3:
Sir Tristram, violer d’amores, fr’over the short sea…

Humpty Dumpty says:
“The word fr’over is just a portmanteau word made with from & over; & the archaic word frover “comfort, means of comfort”  may have been packed into it. The short sea might be the narrow or short-waving channel between Britain & Armorica, or Britain & Ireland, or Brittney & Howth Head, or…  I don’t know exactly. But the sea comforts Sir Tristram, I am sure.”

George Orwell's Definition of Liberty

The author of 1984, a 1949 novel which depicts the fear of a totalitarian state, where “Big Brother is watching you” all the time, George Orwell (1903-50) was looking for the definition of liberty. One of his answers reads:
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.

Friday, September 12, 2014



Word DNA ~~~~~~~~~
I [19th c.]
“epidemic whose symptoms include fever, headache, muscle, joint, & bone pain,  sudden cramp-like seizure, & occasionally fatal hemorrhage. Also called break-bone fever; dandy, giraffe. Mosquitoes are the vehicles of the virus.”

West Indies Spanish dengue, derived from Swahili phrase in Zanzibar ka dinga pepo, literally “a sudden cramp-like seizure plague”; ka is the partitive article, dinga (dyenga, denga) means “sudden cramp-like seizure,” & pepo is an “evil spirit or plague.”

Denguefieber (Japanese)

  fever 「熱」を伴うことと伴わないことがある (用例: There are no licensed vaccines to protect against dengue fever… The Bone Crusher Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease found in over 100 countries and territories around the world, primarily in tropical and subtropical environments... severe attack of dengue... )
 限定的用法「デング ()()(dengue virus... Approximately 33.3% of the Earth's 6.05 billion people are at risk of dengue infection... )

デング熱 [ドイツ語から]
~~~~~~~~ 言葉の遺伝子


 dengue は十九世紀の西インド諸島のスペイン語からできた言葉だが、このスペイン語は東アフリカのスワヒリ語の ka dinga pepo を語源にしている。 ka は部分冠詞、 dinga は「こむらがえりのような発作」、 pepo は「悪い妖精、疫病」を指す。つまり、スワヒリ語では「悪い妖精、妖怪、魑魅魍魎、化け物」と「疫病」を同じ言葉で指すのである。

 十九世紀のキューバでは、この病気を dengue と呼んでいたが、このスペイン語は「お洒落、気取り」の意味である。デング熱にかかった人は痛くて背筋をまるめることができなくなるらしいが、はたから見ると、しゃんと背筋を伸ばして気取っているように見えたので、東アフリカから来た dinga とまぜこぜにしたらしい。英領の西インド諸島にはスペイン語のその意味合いが伝わったので、この病気は巷では dandy と呼ばれるようになった。また、首や背中をまっすぐに硬直させているので、別名で giraffe「キリン」ともいったという。



Thursday, September 11, 2014

Actions are Interpreters

Actions speak louder than words is an English saying. Although I don’t know the origin of this old adage & whether British philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) knew it or not, his remark is very similar, & it may have been the source of Hemingway-like style, which actions show the thoughts of the characters:
The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

violer d'amores

on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

violer d’amores
Discovered in p3:
Sir Tristram, violer d’amores...

Humpty Dumpty says:

“A violer d’amores might be a player of viola d’amore, the baroque musical instrument like a viola. The word viola is of Italian origin; in the Italian vocabulary, there is the homonym of viòla, that refers to a violet; amores, literally in Italian, means “loves,” the plural of love. thus, Sir Tristram, player of viola d’amore, & violet of love affairs or lovers, I imagine. In Joyce’s intention, according to his letter to his patron Harriet Shaw Weaver, d’amores means “in all moods and senses.” Just to make sure, I add; French word violer is English verb violate or rape.”

Friday, August 29, 2014

All Human Undertakings

Even if the plan were not perfectly orderly, when necessary, people should undertake a project somehow or other, & then, even if it were slightly different to the original plan, the project should be completed some day. It is difficult for us to be perfect & to gain enough time, money, energy, vitality, & cooperation all the time. John Galsworthy (1867-1933), Nobel-laureate UK novelist, observed people doing such things & recorded:
The beginnings and endings of all human undertakings are untidy.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Howth Castle and Environs

on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Howth Castle and Environs
Discovered in p3:
riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.

Humpty Dumpty says:
“Norse Vikings first invaded the eastern shore of Ireland, 819, & then began to build the settlement of Dublin. The name Howth is considered to be made up of the Old Norse hǫfuð “head” in English & related to the Contemporary Norwegian hode. Now, the peninsula on the north side of Dublin Bay is called “Howth Head.” On this peninsula, looking like the head of HCE, Howth Castle stands. Who is HCE? Hero in Finnegans Wake! But I don’t know about him exactly yet now. The word environs means “surroundings” in an aspect, but Joynglish words always have many faces in general. For example, environs seems the 2nd verb of this sentence (the 1st is, of course, brings), which  can probably be paraphrased: riverrun brings... back to HC and environs us. Read as you like, anyway. Finnegans Wake is not a scientific paper but a literary work. “

Eve and Adam's

on Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Eve and Adam’s
Discovered in p3:
riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s...

Humpty Dumpty says:
“The building called the church of Adam & Eve is located in Merchants Quay, Dublin; you can find its picture on Google Earth. JJ also brings us by their names back to the Garden of Eden, where it is believed that the four rivers ran & God-created Adam & Eve lived happily wothout knowing the original sin. In Joyce’s mind, probably, a church can be a tavern, which can be a paradise.    I have been told that the name of Adam & Eve’s is favorably used for the nickname of a tavern or pub in Dublin, & I don’t know whether it is true or not, that the modern Irish go to the church in the morning, watch the horce-racing afternoon, & stay in a pub on night. Ulysses nearly shows us such their everyday life. Why Eve and Adam’s in FW? What means in this inversion? The true answer to this question might be that JJ only knows.”

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